Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Maybe New "IMM" this weekend...

I have gotten another book to start reviewing. I realized now that I have said "I'm sorry" a lot on this blog. I have not been extremely active (in reviews and stuff) in quite a few years. But I will try to get a "In My Mailbox" vlog up this weekend (if plausible). I will have two books I received (if not more) and also some books I picked up for my baby boy. I have started reading The People of Forever Are Not Afraid and it is interesting and quite different than other books I have read. That is all I can say. Hope to see you this weekend!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Extremely Long Hiatus

Things have changed quite a bit since my last time on here. I now have a son, am almost done with my associate's degree, and haven't reviewed a book in what feels like forever.

I have one book waiting to be reviewed currently. The People of Forever Are Not Afraid by Shani Boianjiu. I will hopefully be able to post a review when this summer semester is over (and when my son will let me).
