I found this book on Edelweiss. It sounded so interesting to me that I had to just read it!
Dear Luke, We Need to Talk. - Darth: And Other Pop Culture Correspondences by John Moe was too funny. It is a collection of letters, diaries, reports, and "Welp" reviews from all the popular movies in the past 100 years.
Most of easy to catch on that you know what they are. But, some, I had to really think about where they came from. You have to either be older (or well versed in older pop culture) to understand alot of these things.
The ones that I did were absolutely funny! There were things from movies, music, books, TV shows, even the Super Bowl because pop culture is all of these things.
I wish I could have read in Paperback because reading it via the format I did just wasn't working for me. I think with the Paperback, it would have made more sense. (One section I had to skip over because I couldn't find the right formatting.)
I give this a 4.5 coins.
5 = best
1 = worst
This book had mostly good parts, but sometimes you have to really get past the cussing (a lot) and try to actually seeing the section as a whole.
This book is published by Three Rivers Press. It runs about $15 USD/$18 CAD